How GoRamp Transformed Formula E: Boosting Efficiency and Achieving a 400 Booking Increase

Discover how Formula E overcame supply chain challenges by implementing GoRamp, resulting in streamlined operations, increased bookings, and improved supplier communication.

formula e car

About Formula E

Formula E is a pioneering motorsport company that operates the FIA Formula E Championship, the world's first fully electric racing series.

Established to promote sustainable mobility and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, Formula E features cutting-edge technology and eco-friendly innovations. Races take place in iconic city centers worldwide, showcasing the speed and performance of electric cars while raising awareness about environmental issues and the future of transportation.

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The Challenge

Formula E's previous system faced several significant challenges. It only supported one language, limiting effective communication across diverse markets. The system could not manage multiple events simultaneously, creating scheduling conflicts and inefficiencies.

Additionally, it lacked the necessary customization to accommodate different market requirements and multiple operational areas. A major issue was that suppliers often failed to book deliveries in advance, leading to traffic congestion, delays, and logistical complications. These shortcomings necessitated a more robust and flexible solution to streamline operations and improve overall efficiency.

Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center

The Solution

To address their challenges, Formula E undertook a comprehensive evaluation of various scheduling platforms to find a suitable replacement. 

They assessed multiple solutions for their ability to handle complex requirements, such as managing multiple warehouses and supporting diverse operational areas. Throughout this process, they encountered difficulties with the reporting capabilities of many platforms. 

Ultimately, they selected GoRamp due to its robust features and customization options. Although the implementation process was time-consuming, it became easier over time with the help of GoRamp’s supportive onboarding team. 

Despite the initial learning curve, GoRamp's prompt responses to questions enabled Formula E to fully utilize the platform’s capabilities, leading to smoother operations and better management.

Why GoRamp

Formula E chose GoRamp because it effectively addressed their critical needs and provided several key benefits:

  1. Multilingual support: GoRamp supports multiple languages, allowing for better communication and customization for different markets.
  2. Multiple event management: The platform can handle multiple events simultaneously, which was a significant limitation of their previous system.
  3. Customization: GoRamp offers extensive customization options, enabling Formula E to tailor the system to their specific requirements, including managing multiple warehouses and different delivery areas.
  4. Improved reporting capabilities: GoRamp's robust reporting features helped overcome the challenges faced with other solutions, providing clearer insights and better management of logistics.
  5. Enhanced supplier communication: The system facilitated better coordination with suppliers, reducing congestion and delivery delays by ensuring suppliers booked their deliveries in advance.
  6. Excellent onboarding support: The implementation process, although time-consuming, was supported by GoRamp's helpful onboarding assistance, making it easier to fully utilize the platform's capabilities.


Implementing GoRamp has led to significant time savings and streamlined day-to-day operations for Formula E, resulting in fewer support issues. One notable success was in Mexico, where a 400 booking increase from last year to this year was achieved. 

"Thanks to our local team's alignment with our processes and the implementation of a more customized Spanish language system, we saw a 400 booking increase in Mexico from last year to this year."

Joe Vickers, Venue Operations Manager, Formula E,

Future outlook

Looking ahead, there are plans to further enhance processes, including improving supplier bookings. Additionally, there is a potential need for a GoRamp feature that allows the selection of specific dates for delivery restrictions, especially during bank holidays.

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