In today‘s fast moving digital world companies pay attention to both - value proposition and performance - when choosing applications for their businesses warehouse logistics. However, users become notoriously furious if they encounter low-performing web applications.
As noticed by a well known website SiteUptime, America's leading truck and auto accessories AutoAnything cut their load time by half and saw their revenue climb 13%. Meanwhile, Amazon reported that they experienced one percent drop in revenue for every 100 milliseconds drop in site speed.

In short, you can’t negotiate when it comes to your app performance. Read on to find out what are the best practices used by GoRamp's Transportation and Warehouse management product team to ensure high availability of the platform.
Firstly, we have implemented PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool to find bugs in our code without even writing tests. In order to achieve it we had to review several thousands of low quality code lines, replace and/or fix them. For our small but efficient development team this practice allows to literally write less unit tests and focus to the most important ones instead in a long term. In the meantime we are able to statically test 100% of code lines by using the tool.
Secondly, after we have achieved quality in the development process, we were able to make other steps towards Continuous Deployment. Successful Continuous Integration (CI) means new code changes to an app are regularly built, tested, and merged to a shared repository. It’s a solution to the problem of having too many branches of an app in development at once that might conflict with each other. In addition, this helps to fasten other processes as well - such as user testing - if you can test your deliveries with users every time the increment is made it makes you faster in the market.
Finally, what is the positive impact to the end user:
- We can update our application without any impact to users online - fixing bugs or adding essential features become much more efficient without sacrificing on user experience
- We avoid critical issues which prevents massive incidents - engineers may focus on long term value deliveries, users are happy with high availability solution
- Developers are eager to deliver high quality - high standards leads to precautions which leads to better quality.
What is the next milestone in order to achieve continuous deployment:
- Automate User Interface (UI) testing in order to automate the whole pipeline
- Fully cover critical Back-End services with unit tests.
GoRamp is a reliable partner in managing your warehouse logistics processes. We rely on customer-centric approach to inovation and have great success stories to tell.
Would you like to know more about GoRamp? Book a call with us!