From Spreadsheets to Smart Logistics: How Supply Point Cuijk Transformed Operations with GoRamp for Scalable Growth and Efficiency

This case study illustrates how Supply Point Cuijk transitioned from a manual, error-prone system to a more robust and scalable logistics management platform with GoRamp, setting the stage for continued growth and efficiency in their operations.

warehouse loading trucks

About Supply Point Cuijk

Supply Point Cuijk is a logistics hub dedicated to efficient supply chain management and the smooth operation of freight transport. As a rapidly growing company, Supply Point Cuijk specializes in managing the complex logistics involved in truck scheduling, time slot reservations, and overall supply chain coordination. To manage these operations, they initially relied on Excel spreadsheets. However, as the company expanded, the limitations of this approach became increasingly apparent, leading them to explore more advanced solutions like GoRamp.

The Challenge

Supply Point Cuijk faced several challenges as their operations scaled:

1. Increased Complexity: As the company grew, managing truck schedules and time slots using Excel became cumbersome. The spreadsheets often led to errors, lacked a comprehensive overview of operations, and became difficult to maintain as the volume of work increased.

“So we wanted to get rid of Excel and have a good system, to also in the future, that carriers book in – that's not possible with Excel – that have a better view of what's going on, have statuses … a better overview in general.” – Cas Cristiaans, Junior supervisor 

2. Need for Self-Service: The company required a system that allowed carriers to book their time slots autonomously, reducing manual input and the associated errors.

3. Better Future Management: There was a clear need for a more forward-looking approach to managing logistics, with better dashboards and data analytics to drive decision-making.

Despite these needs, the transition from Excel to a more sophisticated system was challenging. After moving to GoRamp, the internal team found that, while they were spending more time adjusting to the new system compared to Excel, the benefits in terms of data centralization and process management were significant.

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Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes

The Solution

To address these challenges, Supply Point Cuijk implemented GoRamp Dock Scheduling solution to improve visibility, and facilitate better communication with carriers. The decision to implement GoRamp was made after testing several systems.

The implementation process took approximately 2-3 months. While the learning curve was steep, the system eventually provided the desired improvements in managing logistics.

Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center

Why GoRamp?

GoRamp was chosen for several key reasons:

  • Comprehensive Overview: GoRamp provided a better overview of schedules and statuses, which was crucial for managing a growing number of logistics operations effectively.
  • Time Slot Reservations: The system enabled carriers to reserve time slots in advance, reducing the amount of time trucks spent waiting and improving overall efficiency.
  • Adaptability: GoRamp’s ability to centralize all logistics-related data into one platform was a significant upgrade from the fragmented approach with Excel.

Integrations & Dashboards: While the initial transition to GoRamp required more time and effort than Excel, the long-term benefits, including the potential for future integrations and expanded use of dashboards, made it a valuable investment for Supply Point Cuijk.


Since implementing GoRamp, Supply Point Cuijk has experienced several positive outcomes:

  1. Reduced Truck Waiting Times: The introduction of time slot reservations has streamlined operations, leading to less downtime for trucks and a more efficient flow of goods.
  2. Improved Process Management: With all data centralized within GoRamp, the logistics team now has a clearer view of schedules, which helps in making informed decisions and reducing errors.
  3. Enhanced Carrier Communication: Carriers are now better informed about their schedules, which has improved their satisfaction and reduced the likelihood of scheduling conflicts.

While the transition has required more time to manage than Excel, the overall improvements in efficiency and data management have justified the shift.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, Supply Point Cuijk aims to deepen its use of GoRamp by leveraging its dashboards for more detailed data analysis and integrating the platform with other internal systems. The company anticipates that achieving these goals will take 2-3 years, but they are committed to staying with GoRamp for the foreseeable future.

Additionally, while there are currently no pressing feature requests, Supply Point Cuijk appreciates GoRamp's responsiveness to past needs, such as the recent development of an activity log. As the company continues to grow, they expect GoRamp to remain a key component of their logistics management strategy, helping them navigate future challenges and opportunities.

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