Neuraxpharm Enhances Efficiency and Reduces Congestion with GoRamp

Discover how Neuraxpharm transformed their dock scheduling and supplier management with GoRamp.

Neuraxpharm HQ

About Neuraxpharm 

Neuraxpharm is a specialized pharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Langenfeld, Germany, Neuraxpharm has established itself as a key player in the pharmaceutical industry. The company's product portfolio includes medications for antipsychotics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, antiparkinson, tranquilizers, as well as generics and consumer healthcare products like probiotics and nutraceuticals.

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Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
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The Challenge

Before implementing GoRamp, Neuraxpharm faced significant challenges in managing their time slots and dock scheduling. 

  1. No time slot management solution  

The company lacked any formal tools for managing arrivals, relying instead on a weekly list from their SAP system to anticipate deliveries. This often resulted in chaotic scheduling, with multiple suppliers and customers arriving simultaneously, leading to traffic congestion and even fines from local authorities. 

“We knew that X suppliers were scheduled to arrive, but we never knew which days or exactly when. It was possible that everyone would arrive at the same time on Monday or Tuesday, or not at all on those days. It was very difficult to manage this. “

Ramon Molina y Carla Majua

The lack of a systematic approach made it difficult to manage and predict daily operations, creating inefficiencies and disruptions.

  1. No communication with suppliers

Customer communication was solely done through email, and there was no interaction with suppliers. The company operated with limited knowledge, often only aware of the number of suppliers expected within a week without specific arrival times. This lack of coordination led to congestion issues, with multiple suppliers arriving simultaneously, overwhelming loading spaces and causing traffic blockages. This situation prompted police intervention due to illegal parking, resulting in fines.

Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center

Why GoRamp

Neuraxpharm sought a solution to bring order to their chaotic scheduling system. They required a tool that could help manage arrivals more predictably and efficiently, reducing congestion and improving communication with suppliers and customers. After evaluating several options, they found GoRamp to be the perfect match for their needs, offering a comprehensive solution that streamlined their scheduling processes and improved operational efficiency.

The Solution

The implementation of GoRamp’s Dock Scheduling Solution at Neuraxpharm was easy and effective. Within 2-3 months, they transitioned from a manual, chaotic system to an automated and organized digital scheduling tool. GoRamp provided a simulated version for trial, during which Neuraxpharm could test and fine-tune the system according to their specific requirements. Despite some initial resistance from staff accustomed to the old ways, comprehensive training ensured a smooth transition.

The Results

Post-implementation, Neuraxpharm experienced a significant transformation in their daily operations. The work became more predictable and orderly, with staff able to see scheduled arrivals in advance and prepare accordingly. This improved scheduling allowed for better space management, reducing congestion and enhancing overall efficiency. The ability to monitor KPIs and other metrics in real-time provided valuable insights, enabling Neuraxpharm to hold carriers accountable and optimize their operations further.

Future Utilization

Neuraxpharm sees a promising future with GoRamp, anticipating continuous improvements and new features that will enhance their operational efficiency even further. The recent updates, including real-time change monitoring, have already proven beneficial, and Neuraxpharm is eager to leverage future advancements to maintain their competitive edge in the pharmaceutical industry.

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